Monday, February 27, 2012

Giacomo Balla-Dynamism Of A Dog

Dynamism Of A Dog by Giacomo Balla is a diagram of a dog showing possible alternative positions for a man's limbs. This image is designed to demonstrate how the human frame can be made to fit within both a circle and a square. Which is how it relates with drawing is that you can the different movements with lines. The fast moving ones with the leash & wagging of the dog's tail emphasize speed & movement. You can also see with the the dog owner walking & the grown that the dog & owner are on. I really like this piece because the use of color. It's really simple & it's obvious of what you're focused on. I also really like how by looking at this if you were to draw something to emphasize movement you can look at this & get a really perspective on how to make it.

Jackson Pollock No.1

 Jackson Pollock, Number 1A, 1948, 1948, (oil and enamel on canvas, 68 in. x 8 ft. 8 in. Possible cigarettes  buts [172.7 x 264.2 cm]), The Museum of Modern Art, New York. Purchase. OT 186

Jackson Pollock's No. 1 has so mins lines & layers of black & white with airlessness of his layers & lines. He would restrain his use of colors, even dignified as black, white, tan, & aluminum gray. He shows it in his paintings by how the dignified colors are poured & dripped & can be wild. I really love this painting because when I first saw it I had two thoughts. One was that it reminded me of something I made when I was in 
kindergarten with a marble & paint. The second was that I felt very I guess frustrated or mad by just looking at this piece so I didn't really like it at first. But then later on the more I thought about it & hearing about Jackson Pollock & his struggles with art I found myself relating to him & loving this piece. Because I myself am getting use to new areas of art but I'd say my best would be abstract for now. The way that this relates to drawing is that lines & lines are used & layered. And you get a really big feel when you look at this piece of how black & white & the other colors are used.


Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Katty-Edward Scissior Hands

This video shows Katty's drawing of Edward & Kim from Edward Scissorhands. She made the drawing out of out of a stamping motions froma 1/2inch scissior shaped rubber stamp with Ranger Archival & jet black in on a 3 &1/2' x 6 &1/2fr Srtathmore drawing paper. Art Piece Dimensions: 3& 1/2' ft x 6 1/2& ft.It took her 12 hour to make & all her artwork is uusually sprayed with a coat of matte finish permanent fixative before shipment to reduce aging process.  You can see as the drawing is being made picture by picture & the lines being filled in but you can also see the negative space being filled in with shading. And you can see at the end of the video with the close up of the drawing Katty used the stamp to make the drawing detailed & the shading but not so much that is was really dark. I choose this because I thought it was pretty incredible how it was made & we just learned about contour lines & negative space.

Created using stamping motions from a 1/2in x 3/4in scissor shaped rubber stamp with Ranger Archival jet black ink on a 

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Sharpie Proposal

This commercial contains a lot of simple drawings made on postate notes. Seems like there are only a few simple lines make up the postate drawings but there is quite a bit of detail in each & every one of them. There are dark colors used to make the drawings on the yellow sticky notes so that the drawings are more bold & not blinded with the yellow; but there are also light colors used but not so light that you can't see them. I really like this commercial because I like how the used the Sharpie to make these drawing but the fact that these drawings are used on postate notes & are just moving on the stack of postates; surrounding the postates us just a desk. I really love animation so the idea of these drawings are on the notes & on a desk us why I really like this commercial.